Week two…

We had a good 6 v 6 of pickup soccer last week at Murphy field.  I understand more are expected this week.  We have a full sized field so lets try and get a full game going.  As always, we start at 9am at Murphy field (see directions on main menu).  Bring a white shirt and a dark shirt so we can divide into teams.  See you there!

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4 Responses to Week two…

  1. Sorry I didn’t see the question about the rain until now. We did play today. It was a very light rain so we played. If it had been heavier we would have stayed off the field. See you next week.

  2. Hi Tyler. Most wear cleats but they are not required. Some have played in sneakers but that can get slippery. Hope to see you on the field.

  3. Tyler says:

    Hi I’m looking to meet up next week probably I was just wondering do most guys wear cleats at all or is it just kinda bring what you can?

  4. bbtonly says:

    Are we still playing today inspite of the rain ?

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